Save one for Jesus


Name and address of organization:
Save one for Jesus Foundation
Pastorije 51
9356 BN Tolbert

KVK number: 91 34 29 96
RSIN/tax number: 865624367
(You will need this when filling out your application for tax deductions).

Board Members:
Chairman: Mr. A.J.D. van den Hoek
Treasurer: Mr. S. Meerveld
Secretary: Mrs. S. Herstel

Bank details
NL12TRIO0320771644 Attn: Stichting Save one for Jesus

Benefits of our ANBI status

ANBI, short for Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling, is a status that the tax authorities grant to institutions that are fully committed to the common good.

ANBI status makes donations deductible.
As of May 22, 2024, the Save one for Jesus foundation has ANBI status.
Thanks to the ANBI status, the Save one for Jesus foundation and its donors can benefit from attractive tax advantages.
For example, as a donor you can donate (under certain conditions) with a tax advantage.

Also, as an ANBI, the Save one for Jesus foundation does not have to pay inheritance tax or gift tax on inheritances and gifts that are used for public benefit.

You can find more information about tax benefits for ANBIs at the IRS.

Make your donation deductible now
You can easily make your donation deductible yourself. Download the Periodic Donation Agreement and arrange it right away!

Save one for Jesus Foundation will provide financial statements each year through an annual report.
(Due to the start-up in late 2023/early 2024 this is not possible at this time)
For questions about this please contact us at

Help protect life in the Caribbean

Our goal? To save as many unborn lives as possible for Jesus!

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